Sundays for Kids of Grace:
If you are On-Campus on Sunday Mornings during the Worship Hour, we are excited to offer Nursery for infants through 4 years, and for Kindergarten through 3rd Graders, our Kid's Klubhouse program also meets downstairs.
If you are Online, or would like to encourage your child's time with God during the week, please check out the following archived lessons and activities!
JUNE 2021
Creation: Days 3 & 4 (Genesis 1:9-19) - June 6, 2021
We continue our study of God’s amazing creation this week. Days 3 and 4 remind us that God had a plan for his creation and it was very good. From the beginning, he planned a world that was perfect for us and all his creation to bring glory to Him.
Creation: Days 5 (Genesis 1:20-23) - June 13, 2021
We continue our study of God’s amazing creation this week. God filled the waters and the sky with animals on day 5. Again, He
prepared what was needed beforehand to continue His good and perfect work of creation.
Creation: Days 6 & 7 (Genesis 1:24-2:3) - June 20, 2021
Following are some questions to review what God created on the first through fifth days of Creation.
• “What did God create on the first day of creation?” heavens, earth, light
• “What did God create on the second day of creation?” the sky to separate the water
• “What did God create on the third day of creation?“ land, plants with seeds and fruit
• “What did God create on the fourth day of creation?” sun, moon and stars
• “What did God create on the fifth day of creation?” birds and the animals in the waters.
May 2021
Jesus Loves the Little Children (Mark 9:33-42; Luke 18:15-17) - May 2, 2021
We as people tend to be competitive, and youngsters are no different. In fact, kids often find themselves in heated debates over who is first in line, whose turn it is, or who did the best job. In today’s story, we see that even disciples of Jesus argued over who was most important. We will see that God loves it when we approach Him humbly and do not beg for credit or glory. This lesson is especially relevant for children because we see Jesus emphasize an appreciation for children and admiration of their mindset. Our little ones might at times feel frustrated about not doing all that “big kids” do, but GOD still thinks they are special and precious!
Prodigal Son - Running Away (Luke 15:11-32) - May 9, 2021
In the parable of the prodigal son, Jesus teaches that God wants to forgive both sinners and self-righteous people. In this story the long suffering father continues to love both sons as they dishonor him. It is a beautiful story of God’s love and determination to see the lost return to him. For many of us who feel like we are doing fairly well following God’s ways, it is important to make the connection that the pride of self-righteous people needs forgiven just as much as the wild living of prodigals. Jesus is ready to forgive everyone – both sinners and the self-righteous. God is Father to all. This lesson shows children that God’s love has no limits and they are always welcome to come back to HIM.
Jesus Transforms Saul's Life (Paul's Conversion) (Acts 9:1-22) - May 16, 2021
This lesson on Saul’s conversion teaches students that God completely transforms a person’s life when they believe in Jesus. God
chose Saul to be His instrument to share the Good News with the Gentiles. Students will learn that God has a purpose and plan for
each person that places his/her faith in Jesus.
A Dream of Heaven (Revelation 21:1-7) - May 23, 2021
Heaven can be a tricky topic to teach. In fact, it can be hard for adults to understand the themes of Revelation or to grasp what awaits us after life on earth has passed away. To be sure, we cannot know with certainty what will happen as our earthly bodies slip away, but the main message should be one of hope. We can know that what God has in store for us is bigger and better than anything we can possibly imagine. As we communicate this message to kids, we want to remind them that God can take even the worst things in our lives and make them beautiful.
Creation: Days 1 & 2 (Genesis 1:1-8) - May 30, 2021
We will begin a 4‐week study of God’s amazing creation story this week. Take time this week to marvel at the amazing feat of God creating from nothing. We may “create” many things in our lives, but we always have to start with something. God is God and He CREATES!
April 2021
Jesus in Gethsemane & Jesus' Crucifixion (Mark 14:32-41; John 19:16-19, 28-30) - April 2, 2021: GOOD FRIDAY
This lesson can be used to help your kids understand Jesus’ death on the cross. Jesus death may be difficult to discuss with some kids. Adjust as is appropriate for your kids and their ages, but don’t leave out Jesus’ amazing sacrifice. Because He died for us, we can have eternal life in Him.
The Tomb was Empty (John 20:1-18) - April 4, 2021: EASTER
Christ is risen! The location of our worship or Sunday School lessons does not alter that! Easter reminds us of the hope we have in God. He is our refuge and strength, and He faithfully fulfills His promises. So here are a few ideas to consider while planning how best to prepare for, explore, and celebrate the Easter holiday.
Go Make Disciples (Matthew 28:16-20) - April 11, 2021
Before His Ascension, Jesus gave the disciples an important task: they were to go into “all the world” and spread the Gospel to others. This was not just a command for the disciples, but for all of us. Sharing the Good News is not a chore, however, but a blessing. We have opportunities to serve Him and make His name known to those near and far!
God Sends Help - the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1-21) - April 18, 2021
Pentecost is an event in Acts where the Holy Spirit first came to inhabit the hearts of Christians. It is a reminder of the work of the Holy Spirit and the unifying Spirit that binds all Christians no matter where they are, or even when they lived. Pentecost is traditionally celebrated 49 days after Easter, but we’ll cover it today since it’s next in the curriculum. May you be blessed as you and your family reflect on the gift of the Holy Spirit, realizing that God truly does live in the heart of each believer.
How to Pray (Matthew 6:9-13) - April 25, 2021
As we leave Easter season behind us, we will now return to more stories from Jesus’ life on Earth that we couldn’t cover between Christmas and Easter. This lesson will walk through the Lord’s Prayer and focus on how to approach prayer. Be sure to remember the amazing gift of prayer and that our Creator wants to hear from us!
March 2021
The Greatest Treasure (Matthew 13:44-46) - March 7, 2021
There are many wonderful things that we treasure here on Earth that we can treasure, but the greatest treasure that we could ever obtain is Jesus. As Christians we should be content to give up our Earthly treasures so that we can store up our treasure in Heaven.
Zacchaeus the Tax Collector (Luke 19:1-10) - March 14, 2021
The tale of Zacchaeus is an important one to share with children as we emphasize the love of Jesus and the constant availability of grace. We see that meeting Christ changes lives, and we also communicate to kids that we want to love other people as well, whoever they might be.
The Last Supper (John 13:3-17, Mark 14:12-26) - March 21, 2021
There is a lot to teach as we approach Easter! Today’s lesson covers The Last Supper which includes Jesus washing His Disciples’ feet and the first communion. There are 3 more Easter lessons coming: Palm Sunday & the Garden of Gethsemane, The Crucifixion, and The Resurrection. You may want to cover the crucifixion on Good Friday, so you are ready to celebrate the resurrection with your kids and Christians around the world on Easter morning!
Palm Sunday (Matthew 21:1-11) - March 28, 2021
This week we will continue the journey to Jesus’ resurrection on Easter. This Sunday is one week before Easter, also called Palm Sunday. Today’s lesson will cover Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem to coincide with Christian’s celebrating Palm Sunday worldwide. Last week, we covered the Last Supper, which actually took place on Thursday, one day before Jesus was crucified. I pray that this time will be a blessing to your family.