Get Your Craft On!
Bring Lunch, your project, and connect with fellow crafters and artisans!
Bring your craft or learn a new one!
bring your lunch and favorite craft and #BuildRelationships!
- We offer monthly gatherings on the 2nd Sunday of the month from 1:00pm to 3:00 pm in Fellowship Hall.
- Open to men AND women who already engage in crafting hobbies or would be interested in learning. Examples: knitting, crocheting, embroidery, jewelry making, whittling, sewing, model airplane/train/ship building, felting, etc.
- It's an opportunity to work on your latest or favorite project and build incredible relationships with fellow hobbyists!
- Come as often as your schedule allows!
- Bring your own lunch or snacks & of course your project.
- While this is not a registration style event, if you plan to attend we encourage you to join our online Group (below) to stay abreast of meeting dates, changes, and any special announcements for Crafting Together!
Contact Heidi or Stephanie with any questions, or join today!